Full-time NA deputies meet to discuss bills on anti-corruption, higher education
Thứ Năm, 06/09/2018, 15:06
The National Assembly Standing Committee convened a conference of full-time NA deputies on September 6 to discuss the draft revised law on fighting corruption and draft adjustments to the Law on Higher Education.
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The draft revised anti-corruption law has been discussed at two NA sessions and is scheduled to be approved at the sixth session, in order to institutionalize the Party’s resolution on preventing and combating corruption, rectify the limitations and shortcomings of the existing law, thus addressing newly arising problems in the anti-corruption fight and requirements of international integration.
Opinions of the full-time deputies at this conference will help the law drafting board to fine tune the bill, especially the contents related to the declaration of assets and incomes and the expansion of the law’s scope to non-state sectors.
Meanwhile, the draft law on adjusting and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education is selected for discussion at this conference because of the great public interest.
NA Chairwoman Ngan said the draft should clarify the State’s responsibility in investment and management of various types of higher education establishments, the organizational structure and administration of higher education institutions, as well as issues related to tuition fee, tax and standards of lecturers.
She requested the conference to focus attention on contentious issues and seek feasible solutions so that the draft laws will receive high consensus at the upcoming NA plenary session.