YouTube gives creators a way to flag stolen videos

Thứ Năm, 12/07/2018, 09:17
YouTube keeps a watch over the millions of videos on its service, making sure that they don't violate copyright or community standards. 
The company removed 8.3 million videos for community guidelines violations in the last quarter of 2017. It hasn't revamped it's Content ID system to flag copyrighted videos since 2013, however. 

Now the Google-owned video sharing service is launching a new Copyright Match tool that can flag instances of videos that match content creators' original videos.

According to Variety, the new tool has been in beta testing for almost a year and should roll out next week for channels with more than 100,000 subscribers.

 Eligible content creators will see a Copyright section in the left navigation in YouTube Studio. A special Matches tab will show any similar videos that YouTube's new tool has identified. 

Creators can then message the offending channel, request a removal or just archive the Match to not take any action.

 YouTube reminds creators that just because they find a match doesn't mean it's automatically copyright infringement; it could be "fair use, fair dealing or a similar exception to copyright" and thus allowed to be posted by someone other than you.
