''The East Sea dispute should be resolved by international law"

Thứ Tư, 14/09/2016, 10:54
This is the statement of a Russian scientists at the round-table workshop on the theme "East Sea - the legal path to peace and stability" took place in Moscow, Russia on September 8th.

Presenting at the workshop, Mr. Grigory Lokshin, Secretary General of the International Institute for Peace in Vienna (Austria), an expert from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Far Eastern Studies recalled the ruling issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague - Netherlands on July 12th, which does not recognize the claims "nine-dashed line" in the East Sea of ​​China and confirms China’s sovereignty declaration in the East Sea has no legal basement.

Mr. Lokshin also said that the ruling from PCA has significant meaning in explaining clearly the provisions of UNCLOS and all other issues of mutual interest on the basis of international law. The ruling from PCA becomes a prerequisite and the legal basis for the stakeholders in the region to continue dialogue and cooperation in the future.

The ruling from the PCA has rejected Chinese claims in the East Sea, which provides the legal tools and encourage developing countries of Southeast Asia to protect their legitimate interests in the region sea ​​disputes; refused demands of China, especially their big plans to construct a "silk road in the XXI century".

The East Sea disputes should be resolved by the path of peace between related countries

Experts and scientists participated in the round-table workshop included Vietnam, the veterans worked in Vietnam, both Russian and international researchers have come together to discuss the situation in the region and expressed the hope that, the East Sea disputes should be resolved by the path of peace between related countries rather than the use of force, combine with negotiation and restrict the interference of the countries outside the region.
