Tuyen Quang holds ‘doing business’ seminar

Thứ Hai, 20/02/2017, 21:06
The province of Tuyen Quang will organize a seminar on February 27 about entrepreneurship and doing business in the province and surrounding region, said officials at a press conference.

The seminar will take place on February 27 in the capital city of Tuyen Quang, said Nguyen Hai Anh, vice chair of the provincial people’s committee.

The purpose of the conference is to identify problems and solutions that the foreign sector is experiencing in the province in hopes of stimulating commercial trade and the creation of more jobs.

It will also address issues related to boosting collaboration with the domestic sector and nurturing higher localization of the manufacturing supply chain for existing transnational companies already operating in the province.

During the seminar it is anticipated there will be extensive discussion concerning the business environment in Tuyen Quang and the role which the foreign sector plays in creating business opportunities.

The province has endeavoured to support the foreign sector in achieving their objectives but has fallen short in too many instances.  The seminar following an open floor for questions and debate will hopefully be a good step towards improving the business climate.