Finance Ministry affirms State budget sufficiency
Many people have misunderstood a statement made by the Minister of Finance on the State budget, said the ministry.
The Ministry of Finance said several news outlets have misinterpreted the minister’s statement at the 3rd meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on September 16, when delegates discussed ways to support businesses and people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ministry wishes to correct the information as follow: At the meeting, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc highlighted that 17.5 trillion Dong from the central reserve has been spent for various purposes, including the COVID-19 prevention and combat activities of the armed forces and various localities.
Therefore, the Government has proposed the Standing Committee of the National Assembly to transfer the adjusted recurrent expenditure savings of 14.6 trillion Dong into the Central Budget Reserve to be ready for spending on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.