Over 5,000 students in Da Nang participate in Japan - Vietnam cultural day

Thứ Tư, 15/03/2023, 09:04

PSNews - Recently, on the ocassion of the 50th diplomatic ties of Japan and Vietnam, more than 5,000 students and visitors in Da Nang joined the annual Japanese-Vietnamese Culture Exchange Day. 

Over 5,000 students in Da Nang participate in Japan - Vietnam cultural day -0

It’s one of a series of activities organised throughout the year in the city to mark the Japan - Vietnam friendship and cultural cooperation.

Student groups staged traditional art performances of Vietnam and Japan (Yasakoi dance and Taiko drum play) to the piano of the Japanese Keiko Borujeson, while fashion shows of áo dài (long dress), yukata and cosplay were displayed by Vietnamese and Japanese artists on the main stage.

Demonstrations of Japanese calligraphy, paintings, cuisine (Nagashi Somen–Japanese noodle at bamboo gut) at 12 pavilions and a folk dance competition drew participation from 38 teams.

Head of the Japanese General Consulate, Yakabe Yoshinori, said Da Nang's Dong A University had early developed high-quality human resources for both technical knowledge and the Japanese language in the region.

He said internship programmes in Japan helped provide quality manpower for Japanese businesses.

Yakabe Yoshinori also said the university introduced and promoted Japanese culture, building a trusting relationship with the Japanese General Consulate and the Japanese business community in Da Nang.

During the Cultural Exchange Day, Japanese businesses successfully recruited 500 qualified students working in Japan, and five more partners from Japan inked agreements on human training with the university.

The Vietnam - Japan Cultural and Sports Exchange Association (Favija) also presented a scholarship for a 10-day life experience tour in Japan for the winner of the Japanese language contest in 2022.

Da Nang is seen as a favourite rendezvous of art troupes and artists from Sakai, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Kisarazu, Mimasaka, Nagasaki and Kushiro in Japan at the annual Vietnam - Japan Culture Exchange since 2014.

By Kim Khanh