Six Hue delicacies listed among Vietnamese typical dishes

Thứ Năm, 16/11/2023, 10:21

PSNews - The first typical delicacies in the list of 1,000 iconic Vietnamese dishes have been announced in an attempt to create an online map and online museum of Vietnamese cuisine.

6 Hue delicacies listed among Vietnamese typical dishes -0
Lotus-leaf-wrapped steamed rice.

The Vietnam Culinary Culture Association (VCCA) recently presented certificates in recognition of 121 typical Vietnamese dishes in the first phase of the project “Building and developing Vietnamese culinary culture into a national brand”.

The dishes included 47 from the North, 37 from the Central region and 37 from Southern localities. They encapsulate the cultural essence of localities and regions nationwide.

The dishes were selected basing on their cultural values, history, and quality, as well as cooking, processing and preservation techniques, and economic values.

Of which, 6 dishes originate from Hue, including Hue beef noodle soup, glutinous rice dumplings stuffed with roasted pork in sweet soup, mussel rice, glutinous rice dumplings, vegetarian fig salad and lotus-leaf-wrapped steamed rice.

 With a long renowned cuisine and various promotional activities, Hue’s dishes are known for their mouthwatering taste and meticulous way of cooking. Meticulousness of Hue cuisine comes all the way from ingredients selection to dish decoration, which has always attracted people’s attention when visiting the former capital of Vietnam.

The project "Building and Developing Vietnamese Culinary Culture into a National Brand, Period 2022-2024" includes 3 component projects: Collection of 1000 typical Vietnamese culinary dishes; Online Vietnam Cuisine Map; Online Vietnam Culinary Culture Museum with three criteria: Preserve the value of culinary culture; promote nutrition science and develop culinary economy.

By An Nhien