Valuable e-books on General Vo Nguyen Giap launched
PSNews - On the occasion of the 110th birth anniversary of the great General Vo Nguyen Giap, the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House has provided readers an electronic version for free of charge of the valuable works on General Vo Nguyen Giap.

E-books on General Vo Nguyen Giap are available now.
According to the Su That National Political Publishing House, the e-book list features many valuable works on the General's life, career and personality.
It is impossible not to mention the e-book named "Dai Tuong, Tong Tu Lenh Vo Nguyen Giap - Mot Tai Nang Quan Su Xuat Chung, Nha Lanh Dao Co Uy Tin Lon Cua Cach Mang Viet Nam" (General, Commander-in-chief of the Vietnam People’s Army Vo Nguyen Giap - An outstanding military talent, a leader bearing the great prestige of the Vietnamese revolution).
The book has been first published to mark the occasion of the 110th birth anniversary of General Vo Nguyen Giap (August 25, 1911-2021), gathers and introduces more than 100 articles from the National Scientific Conference on the General.
In addition, the Su That National Political Publishing House is also providing free electronic versions of some other titles of and written about the General such as: "Tong Hanh Dinh Trong Mua Xuan Toan Thang", "Dien Bien Phu", "Nhung Chang Duong Lich Su", "The Gioi Con Doi Thay Nhung Tư Tuong Ho Chi Minh Song Mai", "Vo Nguyen Giap - Tieu Su", "Vo Nguyen Giap - Danh Tuong Thoi Dai Ho Chi Minh", "Tong Tu Lenh Vo Nguyen Giap Trong Nhung Nam De Quoc My Leo Thang Chien Tranh (1965-1969)".
Readers can access the e-versions of the above books by scanning the QR codes on the covers of the printed book version or read the e-books on by installing and opening the Stbook application, then opening the Free Books folder on the app to download the books.
Readers can also access the e-Library page of communes, wards and towns at, select the list of books and then go to the Building the Party and the State folder.
Additionally, the Su That National Political Publishing House also provides free electronic versions of many books on politics, defence, culture, society, and science on its websites.