Tearful farewell to a devoted Vietnamese doctor before his retirement
After the ceremony, hundreds of staffs and patients have stood in line and patiently waited to bid him farewell.
It showed on their faces the emotional feelings with tears in the eyes. Many patients waved their hands while some children hugging doctor Tri, respectfully saying goodbye to their devoted doctor.
Professor Tri visited every one of the institute’s departments and bid farewell to his colleagues, many of whom hugged him with teary eyes when saying the last "thank you".
The retirement of Professor Tri started from last Sunday, October 3. During his 30 years working in the health sector, he has spent 14 years with the NIHBT as its leader.
During his leadership as Head of the NIHBT, he has made great contributions to the development of the Institute, especially to the Institute's Blood Donation activities.
He together with his colleagues have organized some well-known blood donation events such as "the Red journey" or "the Spring festival" that attracted thousands volunteers.
Professor Tri once said: "We build a very distinctive culture in the NIHBT from the behavior, dressing to the treatment for patients."
"More than a home, this is where there is no gap between medical staffs and patients", the former leader shared.