Logo marking 30 years of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties announced

Thứ Năm, 08/12/2022, 20:09

The official logo to mark the 30th anniversary of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties in 2023 was unveiled in Hanoi on December 7.

Logo marking 30 years of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties announced -0

The logo design contest is a joint initiative launched by the Embassy of Israel in Hanoi and the Embassy of Vietnam in Tel Aviv.

The logo features the national flags of each country, with letters of peace written in Hebrew to send a message about the friendship and solidarity between both nations.

Israeli Ambassador to Vietnam Yaron Mayer announced there will be more activities to be launched to celebrate 30 years of joint diplomatic relations.

On this occasion, the Embassy of Israel held an event to introduce Israeli food.

Professor Nir Avieli, a cultural anthropologist at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, joined local chefs to prepare traditional food, including Challah bread, hummus salad, and palm fruit.

Vietnam and Israel established diplomatic relations on July 12, 1993, followed by Israel opening its Embassy in Hanoi in December, 1993, and Vietnam founding its Embassy in Tel Aviv in 2009.

Israeli Prime Ministers Shimon Peres and Reuven Rivlin paid official visits to Vietnam in 2011 and 2017, respectively. The two countries have shown effective cooperation in fields such as technology, agriculture, irrigation, and education.