Remains of 20 fallen soldiers found in a hamlet in Binh Phuoc

Thứ Tư, 05/04/2023, 16:04

A working team of the Military Command of the southern province of Binh Phuoc on April 4 discovered the remains of seven war martyrs in Phu Lac hamlet, Thanh Phu commune, Binh Long town, bringing the total number of sets of remains of war martyrs found in the hamlet to 20.

Remains of 20 fallen soldiers found in a hamlet in Binh Phuoc -0
Remains of 20 fallen soldiers found in a hamlet in Binh Phuoc

After receiving information from local residents, functional forces unearthed graves with many bones and objects.

Previously, from March 16-24, the search unit found 13 sets of remains of fallen soldiers also in the commune.

According to locals, the soldiers were possibly died in 1972 and brought to the locality for burial by their comrades. None of the remains have been identified so far.  The search force is continuing to expand the search area.

In 1981, functional forces also discovered nine sets of war martyrs in the hamlet.

The province is calling for war veterans who fought in the town's battlefield to provide information to identify the remains through hotlines of Binh Long Town Military Command at 974111315 and 0974700778.