Cuba's top legislator visits historical relics on 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to Quang Tri

Thứ Năm, 28/09/2023, 21:13

President of the National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, on Sep. 26 visited the Hien Luong Bridge – Ben Hai River special national relic site in Quang Tri province.

President of the National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, on Sep. 26 visited the Hien Luong Bridge – Ben Hai River special national relic site and the relic site of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam in central Quang Tri Province.

Cuba's top legislator visits historical relics on 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to Quang Tri -0
Permanent Vice Chairman of the NA Tran Thanh man welcomes the high-level Cuban delegation to Quang Tri Province.

This was part of his five-day visit to Vietnam to attend a ceremony marking 50 years since late Cuba leader Fidel Castro’s trip to the liberated zone in Southern Vietnam (September 1973-2023). Politburo member and Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh man welcomed the high-level Cuban delegation to Quang Tri Province.

During their visit to the special national historical site of Hien Luong Bridge - Ben Hai River in Vinh Linh District, the Cuban top legislator and the high-level delegation engaged in discussions with local officials and residents. They also witnessed the Vietnamese national flag flying atop the national monument.

Cuba's top legislator visits historical relics on 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to Quang Tri -0
Mr. Tran Thanh Man and Mr. Esteban Lazo Hernandez.

The delegation visited the Museum of the Hien Luong Bridge – Ben Hai River, where relics from the American War and historic fights are preserved.

In conversations with local students at the Hien Lương Monument, the Cuban NA President reminisced about the visit of Fidel Castro to the liberated zone of Quang Tri Province when the region still bore the scars of war, marked by bullets and bombs.

During those days, Cuban leader Fidel Castro's visit was warmly welcomed by Vietnamese officials, soldiers and people. The Cuban NA President paid tribute to the late President Ho Chi Minh and encouraged the younger generation to strive for learning and self-improvement.

He emphasised the significance of the meetings and visits between the leaders of the two countries, affirming the unbreakable solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Cuba. Despite being separated by half the globe, both nations have always supported each other, standing together during the toughest times.

Cuba's top legislator visits historical relics on 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to Quang Tri -0
Mr. Esteban Lazo Hernandez write about his visit to Quang Tri Province in the guestbook at the Museum of the Hien Luong Bridge - Ben Hai River.

The legislator also wrote about his visit to Quang Tri Province in the guestbook at the Museum of the Hien Luong Bridge - Ben Hai River, expressing his affection and honour to contribute to the success of the 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to the liberated area of South Vietnam and celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Cuban Solidarity Committee with South Vietnam.

Also on the same day, President Esteban Lazo Hernandez and the high-ranking Cuban delegation visited the photo exhibition titled "Eternal Solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba" in Dong Ha city. The exhibition showcased 50 valuable documentary photos from the Vietnam News Agency and the Cuban news agency Prensa Latina.