Minister Luong Tam Quang highlights key measures to combat cybercrime

Thứ Sáu, 23/08/2024, 16:13

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee continued the question-and-answer session regarding the implementation of its resolutions on supervision of specific subjects, on the morning of August 22nd, 2024.

Minister Luong Tam Quang highlights key measures to combat cybercrime -0
Minister Luong Tam Quang answers NA deputies’ questions.

Member of the Politburo and Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang attended and answered questions raised by NA deputies regarding key measures to combat cybercrime.

Earlier, on the afternoon of August 21st, NA deputy Nguyen Anh Tri, from the Hanoi’s NA Delegation, questioned Deputy Prime Ministers and the Minister of Public Security about the increasingly complicated situation of cybercrime.

The NA deputy voiced that a large number of voters believe that the Government should develop a larger, more professional anti-cybercrime force capable of preventing and combating this type crime.

Answering the question, Minister Luong Tam Quang underlined that cybercrime and high-tech crime are non-traditional security challenges, and that not only Vietnam but all country in the world are facing with such challenges.

He added that the United Nations (UN) is proposing countries to sign a Convention on Cybercrime, and the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam will be one of the members to sign this convention.

The Public Security Minsiter noted that this type of crime has three characteristics making it difficult to detect and handle, namely borderlessness, high anonimity level and high technology level, and underlined that almost everything in real life reflects in cyberspace and is even multiplied, so there should be specific measures to handle this type of crime.

Regarding Public Security Forces’ approaches to prevent and combat this type of crime, besides completing the related legal corridor, promoting law dissemination and raising people’s awareness of preventing the crime as well as effectively investigating and resolving all detected cases of cybercrime, Minister Luong Tam Quang pointed out three key measures as follows:

Firstly, police forces and relevant agencies should promote the application of citizen’s e-ID accounts, considering them as the IDs of citizens in cyberspace, to authenticate cyber accounts, strengthen their State management of cybersecurity, and avoid anonimyty and fraud.

Secondly, the national population database should be linked with other databases of ministries, branches and agencies so as to  authenticate information sources, clean up and remove fake bank accounts as well as clear fake mobile subscriber accounts and unauthenticated SIM cards, aiming to prevent high-tech crimes, especially cyber frauds.

Thirdly, the Ministry of Public Security continues to strengthen and enhance the operational efficiency of its cybersecurity and hi-tech crimes prevention force. The Minister underlined that, according to Resolution No.12 of the Politburo on building truly clean, strong, regular, elite and modern Public Security Forces to their task requirements in the new situation, the cybersecurity and hi-tech crime prevention forces is one of the six forces should be modernized by 2025.

Minister Luong Tam Quang underscored that preventing and combating this type of crime is a long-term job and the responsibility of ministries, branches, localities and the whole political system.

He believed that cyber crime will be controlled if the above breakthrough measures are effectively implemented in the coming time.