Newly elected President reaffirms strong Vietnam – US partnership

Thứ Sáu, 14/06/2024, 10:47

Vietnam always considers the United States a strategically important partner, newly elected President To Lam told Ambassador of the United States to Vietnam Marc Knapper in Hanoi on June 13.

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President To Lam (R) shaking hands with US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Knapper ahead of their meeting in Hanoi on June 13

Vietnam is ready to work alongside the United States to continue to deepen the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two countries on the basis of respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political institutions, bringing practical benefits to the two peoples and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large, said the president.

He also appreciated Knapper’s contributions to Vietnam-US relations and asked the Ambassador to keep promoting this good partnership.

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President To Lam and Ambassador Marc Knapper exchange views on measures to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and the United States

Knapper for his part congratulated General Lam on being elected by the National Assembly of Vietnam as President, and reaffirmed the United States’ consistent commitment to supporting a strong, independent, self-reliant and prosperous Vietnam.

He said that after nearly 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations, Vietnam-US relations have recorded important and substantive progress in all fields, from politics-diplomacy, economics-trade- investment, security-national defense, to science-technology, innovation, education-training, health-humanity, and overcoming the consequences of war.

The Ambassador expressed his belief that bilateral cooperative relations would continue to reap more successes in the coming time.

The President shared Knapper’s view and proposed that the two sides increase contact and visit exchanges at all levels; spur cooperation, especially in economics-trade-investment; and gradually expand cooperation on security and defense in accordance with their desires, including cooperation in cyber security and in preventing terrorism and transnational crime.

He requested the United States to continue supporting Vietnam in overcoming the consequences of war, responding to climate change, and developing high-quality human resources.

The President also proposed that the two sides continue to cooperate closely and effectively at multilateral and regional mechanisms such as the United Nations, ASEAN, and APEC, while coordinating in carrying out activities to mark 30 years of diplomatic relations in 2025.

President To Lam and Ambassador Marc Knapper exchange views on measures to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and the United States

Knapper welcomed the President’s suggestions, and affirmed that he personally and US Representative Agencies in Vietnam will coordinate closely with ministries, relevant agencies and localities of Vietnam to effectively implement the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in the coming time.

He said that the United States supports ASEAN’s central role in the regional structure and will continue to promote the ASEAN-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the Mekong-US Partnership.

The United States will coordinate with Vietnam in solving regional and international issues of mutual concern, actively contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region, he told his host.