Vietnam pledges to contribute more to UNESCO

Thứ Năm, 12/10/2023, 19:12

Vietnam will work harder to contribute to the common affairs of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) more practically and effectively, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu affirmed at the 217th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board which took place in Paris on October 9-10.

Vietnam pledges to contribute more to UNESCO -0

Vietnam pledges to work harder to contribute to the common affairs of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) more practically and effectively. (Photo: AFP)

Vietnam will work harder to contribute to the common affairs of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) more practically and effectively, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu affirmed at the 217th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board which took place in Paris on October 9-10.

In his remarks at the opening ceremony, Vu stressed the importance of multilateral cooperation amidst an evolving world, and called on countries to enhance international cooperation, dialogue, trust and solidarity to seek common solutions to the current challenges.

He praised efforts by the UNESCO Director General and Secretariat in developing and implementing programmes and activities such as recommendations on ethics of AI and the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT, among others, saying they have helped member countries implement sustainable development goals by 2030.

Vu lauded UNESCO's humanitarian aid programmes in areas under its jurisdiction for countries affected by crises or conflicts such as Afghanistan, Haiti, and Ukraine.

Vietnam will further coordinate in the implementation of the memorandum of understanding on cooperation with UNESCO for the 2021-2025 period, he affirmed.

On this occasion, Vu had meetings with UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay, Deputy Director General Xing Qu, Chairperson of the Executive Board Tamara Rastovac Siamashvi and leaders of the organisation's departments, and delegation heads of several countries to promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

The UNESCO leaders and delegation heads spoke highly of good cooperation between Vietnam and UNESCO and other member countries, as well as Vietnam’s role and contributions to key mechanisms of the organisation.

Congratulating Vietnam on having the first inter-provincial UNESCO-listed world heritage site Ha Long - Cat Ba, the UNESCO leaders and Secretariat pledged to further support the country’s new heritage dossiers, and help it in preserving and promoting values of recognised world heritages.

They hoped that Vietnam will win a seat at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for the 2023-2027 tenure.