Vietnam urgently calls for an end to violence in Hamas - Israel conflict

Thứ Hai, 30/10/2023, 23:44

Concerned parties must comply with international law, international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, cease fire, immediately release hostages, and stop and restrain from carrying out hostile actions and violence.

The call was made by Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN, at the 10th Special Emergency Session of the UN General Assembly held on October 26 and October 27 at UN headquarters in New York to discuss the ongoing tense developments in the Gaza Strip.

Vietnam urgently calls for an end to violence in Hamas - Israel conflict -0
Vietnam urgently calls for an end to violence in Hamas - Israel conflict

Vietnam strongly condemns attacks carried out against civilians and essential civil infrastructure, whilst calling for urgent humanitarian assistance for the people in the Gaza Strip, especially water, food, and medicine. Accordingly, relevant parties need to make greater efforts to support and create the right conditions for humanitarian relief activities, the Vietnamese diplomat said.

As part of his address, Ambassador Giang expressed great concern over the current escalating situation in the Middle East, extending his deep condolences to the victims' families of recent attacks.

He expressed support for international mediation efforts aimed at a sustainable and fair peace solution, while emphasizing the Vietnamese stance on supporting a two-State solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and its borders before 1967, on the basis of compliance with international law and relevant UN resolutions.

Ambassador Giang also called for the UN and the Security Council's efforts to have a unified and constructive message aimed at helping to reduce tensions, end fighting, protect civilians, and support parties to resume dialogue and negotiations.

Earlier on the same day the UN General Assembly passed a resolution on the "protection of civilians and compliance with legal and humanitarian obligations", with 120 votes in favor, 59 votes against and abstentions.

The resolution calls on all parties to immediately cease fire and exercise maximum restraint, whilst requiring that all parties comply with international law, international humanitarian and human rights law, protect civilians and civil infrastructure, and ensure humanitarian access. It calls for the immediate release of civilians, ensuring their safety and humane treatment.