Health and social care activities of 19-8 hospital
Based on the comprehensive health-care duties, TU198 has been striving to complete its functions, contributing to the medical care achievements of 19-8 hospital. Established in 1996 with 150 members, to date, Trade Union of 19-8 hospital gathers nearly 900 members.
In order to promote the spiritual efforts in soldiers and staffs, TU198 held several contests regarding drug prevention, labor safety, fire prevention. Moreover, TU198 has consulted to leaders in building policies to encourages all members and their family, especially those who work in hazardous environments, etc, creating a professional and friendly working environment.
Recently, TU198 in collaboration with donors (Agribank Tay Ho - Hanoi, Tan Thanh Pharmaceutical Corporation) organized successfully a working visit to Xin Man - Ha Giang, checking-up, giving free medicine and presents to ethnic minorities.
By implementing practical activities, TU198 was received many awards from the Party, State and the Ministry of Public Security such as: Third-class Labor Order in 2006, Second-class Labour Order in 2014, Certificates and Emulation Flag, etc.