Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To works with Lao Cai Provincial Police Department

Thứ Tư, 17/07/2024, 21:26

PSNews - Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Public Security Central Party Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, leading a delegation of the Ministry of Public Security, had a working session with the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department in July.

At the meeting, Director of the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department Senior Colonel Cao Minh Huyen briefed the delegates on the local police’s work results in the first 6 months of 2024.

Accordingly, in the first half of 2024, the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department advised the Public Security Central Party Committee, the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee and the Lao Cai Provincial People’s Committee to direct relevant agencies to ensure security and order, while safely protecting key infrastructures, major events, activities of visiting Party and State leaders and international delegations in the province.

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To works with Lao Cai Provincial Police Department -0
Delegates join in group photo.

Speaking at the meeting, on behalf of the Public Security Central Party Committee and leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To highly appreciated and praised the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department for their outstanding achievements over the past time.

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To requested that the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department should strictly follow the Resolution of the Public Security Central Party Committee and Directive of the Minister of the Public Security on the implementation of the work plan for 2024 and directions of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee and the Lao Cai Provincial People’s Committee on order and security, striving to successfully perform all the assigned tasks in the second half.

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To works with Lao Cai Provincial Police Department -0
Overview of the meeting.

In the coming time, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To also asked the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department to well perform the key functions of the public security forces, especially its role as a strategic advisor, state management of security and order, crime prevention and fight, mass mobilization while actively building “All people protecting national security” movement, grasping the situation and handling all emerging security issues so as to avoid unexpected complicated issues.

In addition, the Deputy Minister requested that the Lao Cai Provincial Police Department should pay due attention to preventing and suppressing all types of crimes, effectively implement the Project 06, enhance the quality of the “All people protecting national security” movement in line with other emulation movements, contributing to local socio-economic development.

By An Nhien