Happy Lunar New Year 2024 - Year of the Dragon

Thứ Bảy, 10/02/2024, 19:44

On the occasion of the 2024 Vietnamese traditional lunar New Year (Tet) – the Year of the Dragon, we, all staff of the Public Security Newspaper, would like to respectfully extend Tet wishes to all colluagues, contributors, friends and especially readers of the newspaper’s publications.

On the occasion of the 2024 Vietnamese traditional lunar New Year (Tet) – the Year of the Dagon, we, all staff of the Public Security Newspaper, would like to respectfully extend Tet wishes to all colluagues, contributors, friends and especially readers of the newspaper’s publications.

Happy Lunar New Year 2024 - Year of the Dragon -0
Despite numerous difficulties and challenges, leaders, reporters and workers of the Public Security Newspaper still stood united and excellently fulfilled all tasks assigned by the Public Security Central Party Committee, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security.

The year of 2023 was a special year for the world as well as for Vietnam, as it witnessed various special events, which had far-reaching effects on the security landscape. In this context, we, the staff of the newspaper, all tried our best to perform our duties, making our parts to the newspaper’s accomplishment of its core political mission of giving timely, accurate and reliable information to readers.

Despite numerous difficulties and challenges, leaders, reporters and workers of the Public Security Newspaper still stood united and excellently fulfilled all tasks assigned by the Public Security Central Party Committee, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security.

During the year, we, the staff of the newspaper, truly reflected all major happenings and events at home and around the world in its publications and editions, namely the Cong An Nhan dan (People’s Public Security) daily, fortnight newspaper Van nghe Cong an (Public Security Literature and Arts), weekly newspaper An ninh the gioi (World Security), biweekly newspaper “An ninh the gioi giua thang- cuoi thang” (World Security) and three electronic editions in Vietnamese, English and Chinese.

Regarding its political mission, the Public Security Newspaper, as the voice of the People’s Public Security Forces and people, actively and effectively popularized the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws, directions of the Ministry of Public Security on ensuring security and order, and promoted the building of national-level emulation movements.

Additionally, its daily and particularly online editions fully covered activities and operations of the Public Security Forces, contributing to raising the position of the Public Security Forces, as well as helping other branches, agencies and the people understand more about the tasks, functions and nature of the Public Security Forces.

All publications of the newspaper with thousands of articles highlighted the great achievements of the Vietnamese Government in promoting the country’s development in every aspect, as well as ensuring public order and security.

Last year, publications and editions of the Public Security Newspaper had a number of features and in-depth articles on issues related to national security, social order and safety, national socio-economic development, culture and sports, lives and work of people from all walks of life, bringing an overall vivid picture of Vietnam to domestic and international readers. Further, reporters of the newspaper closely followed international issues and reported on major events and happenings in the region and world in a timely, precise and objective manner.

The newspaper also gave readers an insight into Vietnam’s foreign policy and its viewpoints on major international security issues, as well as covered diplomatic activities of leaders of the Party, State, National Assembly, Government and Ministry of Public Security, including their visits to foreign countries, their participation in multilateral forums, their reception of visiting delegates of foreign countries.

Following the development trend of the press and media in the world, the Public Security Newspaper has continuously improved the quality and effectiveness of its electronic newspapers in Vietnamese and foreign languages over the last year, in the hope that we could serve more readers at home and overseas.

At present, the Public Security Newspaper has three electronic editions in Vietnamese, English and Chinese, meeting an increasing demand of domestic and international readers for information.

For their outstanding effort and excellent journalistic works, a number of the Public Security Newspaper’s journalists have received noble awards in national-level journalism contests.

Dear colleagues, friends and readers,

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, on behalf of the staff of the newspaper, we appreciate the great support, constructive opinions and ideas from domestic and international readers on our English Electronic Newspaper. We wish to receive more support for and comments on our print publications and electronic editions so that we can further improve the quality of our information service.

Alongside our professional tasks, we have also been active in carrying out social activities, supporting needy people in remote and mountainous areas as well as victims of natural disasters nationwide.

On the occasion of the Vietnamese Traditional Lunar New Year – the Year of the Dragon, we, all staff members of the Public Security Newspaper, would like to extend best wishes to our colleagues, friends and readers.

2024 is a very important year for the country as it is the fourth year for the nation to realize the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. We, working at the newspaper of the People's Public Security Forces, will do our best to accomplish our political responsibilities and provide our readers with full information and in-depth analyses of all major happenings and events in the country and around the world, following our motto: "Humanity - Reliability - Timeliness".

Best regards,
