Minister Luong Tam Quang visits policy beneficiary families in Tay Ninh

Thứ Hai, 29/07/2024, 22:03

PSNews - Member of the Party Central Committee and Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, leading a delegation of the Ministry of Public Security, visited and presented gifts to policy beneficiary families, on the afternoon of July 27th, in Tay Ninh.

Minister Luong Tam Quang visits policy beneficiary families in Tay Ninh -0
Minister Luong Tam Quang visits family of Vietnamese Heroic Mother Le Thi Hai.

The delegation was joined by Member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen.

Within the framework of the program, the delegation visited families of late Hero of the Armed Forces Senior Colonel Phan Van Dien (alias Muoi Thuong), Vietnamese Heroic Mother Le Thi Hai and Ms. Pham Thi Anh - mother of a fallen public security officer.

On behalf of the Public Security Central Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister Luong Tam Quang inquired about their health and daily lives and presented gifts of the MPS to them, while expressing deep respect and gratitude towards the late officers for their great contributions and sacrifices for the revolutionary cause in general and for the People’s Public Security Forces in particular.

The Minister wished the families would continue to educate their offspring on the heroic tradition of the People’s Public Security Forces, as well as encourage them to further uphold the revolutionary tradition built and developed by their grandfather and father generations.

By An Nhien