Minister To Lam meets trainees of defense-security refresher course

Thứ Tư, 22/05/2024, 09:13

The Ministry of Public Security organized a meeting with senior officers attending the 95th refresher course on defense-security knowledge for level-1 cadres on the afternoon of May 20th, 2024, in Hanoi.

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Minister To Lam speaks at the meeting.

Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Public Security Central Party Committee and Minister of Public Security General To Lam attended and delivered a keynote speech at the meeting.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To briefed participants on results of the Public Security Forces’ task performance, highlighting that the Public Security Forces had achieved comprehensive results in safeguarding national security and maintaining social order, thanks to the sound leadership of the Party, State and Government, the close coordination of the Army, ministries, branches and localities and the great support of the people, and the contribution of the senior officers attending the refresher course.

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Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To speaks at the meeting.

Addressing the meeting, Minister To Lam expressed thanks to the leaders of the National Defense Academy and leaders of other localities and units, for their comprehensive coordination and support for the Public Security Forces in various fields.

The Minister said that the refresher course was an opportunity for the Ministry of Public Security to provide trainees with the overall national security situation in the country and give them an insight into the police’s work of ensuring security and order.

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Minister To Lam presents senior officers attending refresher course with souvenirs.

Minister To Lam also hoped that the Ministry of National Defense and the National Defense Academy will further provide support for the Public Security Forces to successfully fulfill their core tasks of safeguarding national security and maintaining social order in the coming time.