Ministry of Public Security launchs 2024 Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health

Thứ Bảy, 27/04/2024, 08:18

The Ministry of Public Security launched the 2024 Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health and the 2024 Month of Workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Hanoi.

The launching ceremony, chaired by Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Le Van Tuyen, was held online, connecting delegates from the departments under the Ministry of Public Security and those from provincial-level police units nationwide.

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Emulation groups’ representatives sign mutual emulation covenant.

In 2023, the Ministry of Public Security directed public security agencies and units nationwide as well as the Public Security Trade Union to effectively implement activities in response to the Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health and the Month of Workers in accordance with their specific functions and tasks, in line with Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo on enhancing the building of truly clean, strong, regular, elite and modern People's Public Security Forces to meet the task requirements in the new situation.

Notably, the Ministry of Public Security organized 152 activities during the Action Month, including several seminars and contests attracting the participation of more than 56,000 public security officers and workers, as well as periodic health checks and occupational disease screening for more than 300,000 public security officers and workers.

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Delegates press button to launch the Action Month.

Local-level branches of the Public Security Trade Union also presented gifts to 31,000 public security officers and workers suffering from labor accidents and occupational diseases as well as built nearly 100 houses of compassion for public security officers and workers with housing difficulty.

The Ministry of Public Security also provided personal protective equipment for more than 40,000 public security officers and workers working in hazardous conditions and improved the working enviroment for local-level units.

On behalf of leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen commended public security agencies and units as well as the Public Security Trade Union and its affiliates at all levels for their achievements in 2023, and officially launched the 2024 Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health and the 2024 Month of Workers.

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Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen and delegates join in group photo.

Regarding key tasks in the coming time, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen asked all public security agencies and units and organizations of the Public Security Trade Union at all levels to actively carry out socio-political activities in response to the International Labour Day and the 2024 Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health and Month of Workers, while properly implementing support policies for public security workers and taking due care of their occupational safety and health and their lives.

Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen also called on all public security officers and workers to participate actively and effectively in the 2024 Action Month for Occupational Safety and Health and Month of Workers.