Ministry of Public Security speeds up construction of working offices for communal-level police

Chủ Nhật, 20/08/2023, 08:33

Deputy Minister of Public Security Major General Le Van Tuyen chaired a conference to brief the progress of construction of working offices and barracks for the police force stationed in communes and townships throughout the country, on the morning of August 16, in Hanoi.

Deputy Minister of Public Security Major General Le Van Tuyen chaired a conference to brief the progress of construction of working offices and barracks for the police force stationed in communes and townships throughout the country, on the morning of August 16, in Hanoi.

Ministry of Public Security speeds up construction of working officesfor communal-level police -0
Deputy Minister of Public Security Major General Le Van Tuyen speaks at the event.

The meeting was held online, connecting delegates from the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security and those from provincial-level police departments.

At the conference, representatives from under-ministerial agencies and local police units reported on the construction progress and difficulties in implementing the project to build working offices and barracks for the police force in communes and townships.

Ministry of Public Security speeds up construction of working officesfor communal-level police -0
Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen and other delegates attend the conference from Hanoi.

Delegates also proposed solutions to the issues, and discussed approaches to step up the construction so as to finish the project by the end of 2023 as scheduled.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen emphasized, it is very important to reach the goal of Resolution No. 12-NQ/DUCA issued on July 25, 2022 by the Public Security Central Party Committee on the building of the communal-level police force in the new situation.

In order to successfully realize Resolution No. 12-NQ/ĐUCA, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen requested relevant under-ministerial agencies and local police units to mobilize maximum human and material resources for the project building working offices and houses.

The deputy minister also reminded involved units to strictly comply with the regulations of the State and the Ministry of Public Security regarding land use, construction and project management.