MPS hosts meeting to summarize overseas Vietnamese affairs

Thứ Hai, 13/11/2023, 23:20

PSNews - The Ministry of Public Security held a conference summarizing overseas Vietnamese affairs since 2004, on November 9, in Hanoi.

MPS hosts meeting to summarize overseas Vietnamese affairs -0
Minister To Lam addresses the opening session.

210 delegates are from central agencies, ministries, branches, relevant public security units and localities.

Since 2004, involved public security agencies and units have always followed the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws towards overseas Vietnamese, particularly Resolution No. 36. dated March 26, 2004, Directive No. 45 dated May 19, 2015, and the Politburo’s Statement No. 12 dated August 12, 2021, saying,  "The overseas Vietnamese community is an inseparable part of the great national unity bloc and holds an important position and role in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland".

The summary report underlined that the Public Security Forces have reached enormous achievements in overseas Vietnamese affairs.

At the conference, delegates evaluated results of the People's Public Security Forces’ difficulties in executing overseas Vietnamese affairs, pointed out shortcomings, analyzed their causes, discussed the solutions as well as gave the Party, State and relevant agencies, ministries and branches valuable advice to improve the effectiveness of overseas Vietnamese affairs.

By An Nhien