MPS hosts Olympic Run Day for Public Health 2022

Thứ Ba, 29/03/2022, 18:46

The Olympic Run Day for Public Health 2022 was held by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) on March 25 in celebration of the 76th Vietnam Sports Day (March 27).

MPS hosts Olympic Run Day for Public Health 2022 -0
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To speaks at the event. 

Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security, chaired the event.

The MPS-hosted Olympic Run Day 2022 aimed at improving health for public security officers and soldiers saw the participation of 800 officers and soldiers from under-ministerial agencies and public security schools.

The event aimed to promote the physical training movement in the Public Security Forces and encourage public security officers to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s call to regularly do exercise for better health, thus contributing to improving their physical fitness meeting the requirements of their assigned tasks.

On behalf of the MPS leadership, Deputy Minister To praised the effort of the organizers as well as participants in this year’s Olympic Run Day.

The Deputy Minister requested the Party Committees and leaders of public security agencies to pay more attention to movements of physical training and sports within their units as well as improving the physical strength of their staff.

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To also expressed sincere thanks to the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the General Department of Physical Education and Sports and functional units for their assistance for the MPS in expanding physical training and sports movements among the People's Public Security Forces over the past time. He hoped the ministry and its subordinates will further support the MPS in the time to come.

After the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Dao Cuong and other delegates inaugurated and visited a gymnasium for officers and soldiers working at the MPS Headquarters.

After that, 800 runners from agencies under the Ministry participated in a 1000m running race.

By Duy Tien