MPS of Vietnam and US BOP agree to further cooperate in prison management

Chủ Nhật, 30/06/2024, 19:53

PSNews - Within the framework of the working trip to the US to attend the United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit 2024 (UNCOPS 2024) in New York from June 26th to June 28th, a high-ranking delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, led by Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Long, had a meeting with the US Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), headed by Acting Assistant Director of the BOP’s Correctional Programs Division Shane Salem, on June 25th, 2024.

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Overview of the meeting.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long briefed the US side on the management of the prisoners of the US citizenship in Vietnam as well as policies for them.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long said that, although the two sides have had no official cooperation activity in prison management yet, there is still ample room for Vietnam and the US to work together in this area.

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Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long speaks at the meeting.

To promote bilateral cooperation in the coming time, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long proposed that the two sides should enhance high-level and expert-level delegation exchange to share hands-on experience in execution of criminal judgments and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, including transfer of sentenced persons.

The guest suggested the US BOP to organize training courses for Vietnamese police officers on execution of criminal judgments, prison management as well as prisoners’ corrections, vocational training and community reintegration.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long also suggested that the two sides should study, negotiate and sign a MOU on prison management, so as to create a legal basis to promote effective and practical cooperation in the coming time. 

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Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long presents Mr. Shane Salem with souvenirs.

For his part, Acting Assistant Director of the BOP’s Correctional Programs Division Shane Salem agreed with recommendations of Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long and suggested that Vietnam’s side early send official documents regarding discussed issues to BOP.

He affirmed that BOP will seriously study them and promote cooperation in the fields of mutual concern, particularly stepping up negotiations and signings of cooperation documents between the Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security and the US BOP.  

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Delegates join in group photo.

By Kim Khanh