Police ensure security and order in industrial parks in Dong Nai

Thứ Bảy, 10/02/2024, 08:18

The southern province of Dong Nai, home to 32 industrial parks, plays an important role in the overall industrial production of the Southern key economic region.

(TET -) Police ensure security and order in industrial parks in Dong Nai  -0

Nhon Trach with nine ongoing industrial parks is the district with the largest number of industrial parks in Vietnam.

To maintain order and security at the industrial parks, the Ministry of Public Security has approved to establish eight police posts while the Dong Nai Provincial Police Department regularly directs professional agencies and district-level police units to strengthen coordination with the police posts to prevent and combat crimes, ensuring order and security in the areas as well as creating a safe environment for production activities and workers’ lives.

Prior to the upcoming Lunar New Year of the Dragon, the Bien Hoa Industrial Park Police Post had to work harder. The local police deployed various measures, enhanced patrol and coordinated with functional forces to ensure security and order at the four industrial parks under their management.

In 2023, the police post received and handled 20 crime reports on theft, robbery, fake documents, drug-related offences. Normally, after receiving a crime report, the leadership of the police post sent officers to the scene to double-check the information. When the information was verified, the report was transferred to the Investigation Police Agency, which would then open an investigation into the case within 24 hours according to regulations.

Captain Nguyen Tan Hien, Chief of the Bien Hoa Industrial Park Police Post, said, the police station is in charge of ensuring security and order for four industrial parks with 410 businesses and companies, employing over 123,000 workers. In addition to fighting crimes, the police also guide businesses to protect their assets and maintain internal security and order.

The police post also deploys armed officers and soldiers to patrol the industrial parks. During their patrols, police officers successfully prevented illegal motor races, brawls and violations of traffic regulations.

The police post also held 12 law dissemination drives with the participation of 10,000 workers in 2023.

Additionally, the local police force took measures to prevent and fight crimes in the neighboring areas of the industrial parks, focusing on combating “black credit”, violence, protection rackets, theft, robbery and motorbike racing.

Colonel Ninh Van Dang, Vice Head of the Bien Hoa City Police Station, said, as the economic situation remains gloomy and the rate of unemployment is on the rise, crime tends to inccrease. He added, “Against this backdrop, the Bien Hoa City Police Station has advised the Party Committee and authorities of the city to direct functional forces to enhance law dissemination activities as well as take approaches to prevent and control crime in the city.  

According to Vo Tan Duc, Acting Chairman of the Dong Nai Provincial People’s Committee, thanks to the local police, the security and order situation in the province was stable last year, which helped the province  attract a large flow of investment and ensure employment for over 1 million workers at more than 1,500 foreign-invested enterprises from Korea, Japan, America, China have been doing business in Dong Nai. He also highlighted the importance of ensuring security and order in industrial parks, saying that the Provincial Party Committee and People's Council and People's Committee always attach much importance to ensuring security and order in local industrial parks. “The local police forces have done an excellent job over the past year,” he concluded.

By Duy Tien