Police forces review task of ensuring security and order in Mekong Delta

Thứ Sáu, 20/09/2024, 17:46

PSNews - Member of the Standing Board of the Public Security Central Party Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Pham The Tung chaired a meeting reviewing the police’s work of ensuring security and order in the Mekong Delta and neighboring areas in September, in An Giang.

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister Pham The Tung underlined that the Mekong Delta has a strategic position and is of great importance in terms of politics, socio-economy, security and defense.

Over the past time, implementing directions of leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, police departments of the provinces in the Mekong Delta have drastically and synchronously implemented their work plans to proactively prevent and address complex security issues arising as well as maintain security and order in the region, effectively supporting the local authorities and people to carry out policies and strategies on socio-economic development in the Mekong Delta and neighboring areas.

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Deputy Minister Pham The Tung speaks at the meeting.

At the meeting, delegates deeply analyzed the current situation and results of the work of ensuring security and order in the region over the past time, pointed out remaining shortcomings and limitations, forecasted the future security situation and proposed specific and feasible approaches for each province’s police force to efficiently maintain security and order, prevent all types of crime, and deny sabotage plots and acts by hostile and reactionary forces.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Minister Pham The Tung praised police departments of the Mekong Delta’s provinces for their achievements in ensuring security and order in the Mekong Delta and neighboring areas over the past time.

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Delegates discuss related issues.

Regarding key tasks in the coming time, the Deputy Minister requested that provincial police departments in the region continue to thoroughly grasp the order and security situation in key areas, early detect and resolve security issues as well as take synchronous measures to prevent and fight sabotage plots and acts by hostile and reactionary forces aiming at undermining the great unity bloc.

Deputy Minister Pham The Tung also asked police departments in the Mekong Delta region to further promote mass mobilization and the “All people protecting national security” movement, strongly attack and suppress all types of crime and law violations as well as improve the efficiency of their state management of security and order, aiming to ensure security and order in the Mekong Delta and neighboring areas while avoiding strategic surprises in all situations.

Finally, the Deputy Minister asked all local police units to ensure security and order for Party congresses at all local levels in preparation for the 14th National Party Congress.

By An Nhien