Project 06 Working Group reviews work

Thứ Bảy, 25/11/2023, 21:08

Head of the Project 06 Working Group and Minister of Public Security General To Lam chaired the Working Group meeting in Hanoi to review the results of the implementation of Project 06 in November 2023.

Project 06 was launched by the Government aiming to enhance the application of population, electronic identification and authentication data to serve national digital transformation in period 2022-2025 and toward 2030.

Project 06 Working Group reviews work in November -0
General To Lam speaks at the event.

Reports at the meeting clearly stated that the implementation of Project 06 continued to achieve important results in November. Specifically, ministries and agencies have so far simplified 437/1,086 administrative procedures (reaching 40.2% and an increase of 49 administrative procedures compared to October 2023).

Speaking at the meeting, delegates highlighted the results achieved in implementing Project 06, as well as evaluated the situation and gave approaches to overcome difficulties and obstacles. 

Delegates considered that, in order to implement Project 06 more effectively in the coming time, it is necessary to promulgate instructions on pilot-issuing police record documents on the VneID application, synchronize near-poverty household data, social security data, and data on disadvantaged children, as well as assessing the levels of creditworthiness of borrowers so that people can quickly access official funding, contributing to reducing "black credit" crime.

Speaking at the meeting, Minister To Lam requested ministries and branches under the leadership of the Project 06 Working Group to focus on applying electronic population, identification and authentication data so as to faciliate the execution of policies, particularly, social security for beneficiaries during the 2024 Lunar New Year of the Dragon and the banking industry.

By Thien Minh