Public Security Newspaper supports flood-hit families in Nghe An

Thứ Sáu, 09/12/2022, 20:22

A delegation of the Public Security Newspaper led by Editor-in-Chief Major General Pham Khai on December 5 presented 4 houses of compassion to flood-hit families in Ta Ca commune, Ky Son district, Nghe An.

Public Security Newspaper supports flood-hit families in Nghe An -0
Major General Pham Khai hands the donation by the Public Security Newspaper to leader of Ky Son district. 

This was part of its program to mark the first founding anniversary of the newspaper’s Representative Office in the North-Central region.

The border district of Ky Son, home to 5 ethnic groups, is among the poorest districts in Vietnam.

Major General Pham Khai expressed his sympathy for the difficulties and losses of people in Ky Son in general and the local police forces in the record floods in October.

He hoped that the assistance given by the newspaper and donors would help local people overcome their challenges and settle down after the natural disasters.

The Public Security Newspaper presented 4 savings books, each worth 50 million VND, to 4 families whose houses were swept away by flooding, in Ta Ca commune.

Public Security Newspaper supports flood-hit families in Nghe An -0
Major General Pham Khai presents savings books, each worth 50 million VND, to 4 families whose houses were swept away by flooding, in Ta Ca commune.

Earlier, the delegation presented 10 packages of gifts to local police officers in Ky Son, who faced difficulties due to the flooding.

The flooding on October 2 destroyed the work office of the communal police in Ta Ca while caused great losses to 14 families in the locality, according to Colonel To Van Hau, Chief of the Ky Son Police Station. He also thanked the Public Security Newspaper for their support to the local police and people.

On this occasion, the delegation also visited and presented gifts to teachers and students of Ky Son High School.