“Security cameras” model proves to be efficient in Thanh Hoa province

Thứ Bảy, 14/10/2023, 22:42

Member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung attended the conference summarizing the results of building and replicating the model "Security cameras in support of new rural construction in the period 2021-2023,” on the afternoon of October 12.

Member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung attended the conference summarizing the results of building and replicating the model "Security cameras in support of new rural construction in the period 2021-2023,” on the afternoon of October 12.

“Security cameras” model proves to be efficient in Thanh Hoa province -0
Deputy Minister Le Quoc Hung and delegates attending the event.

The report at the conference clearly stated that Party committees and authorities at all levels in the locality have paid attention to directing local agencies and people to effectively build advanced role-models and examples, especially the model  "Security cameras in support of new rural construction in the period 2021-2023.” 

After some time, all have seen the important role of camera systems in maintaining order and security. Additionally, security cameras have served as local police’s extended “ears” and “eyes” and supported their State management of security and order.

“Security cameras” model proves to be efficient in Thanh Hoa province -0
Deputy Minister Le Quoc Hung speaks at the event.

Security cameras have also helped the police maintain traffic order and safety, handle traffic violations, solve traffic accidents and congestions, prevent illegal motor race and illegal gatherings in public places. 

Further, they have helped other sectors improve capacity and efficiency of management of traffic infrastructure, vehicle management, urban management, environmental protection, food service management and passenger transportation.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Hung requested the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee and Steering Committee for Countering Crime and Social Evils and Building the Movement “All people protect national security” to thoroughly study the comprehensive guidance and the directive documents of the Central Steering and the Government on protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and building the new rural model so that they can successfully lead lower-level agencies and people to build and replicate the model "Security cameras in support of new rural construction”.