Vietnam train Cambodian police officers in fighting illicit drug trafficking

Thứ Năm, 02/11/2023, 09:17

The Counter-Narcotics Police Department opened a training course to improve the capacity of crime investigation and drug control for anti-narcotics forces from the Kingdom of Cambodia, on October 29 in Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnam train Cambodian police officers in fighting illicit drug trafficking -0

During the training course, local lecturers and high-profile experts exchange practical experience and share knowledge of drug prevention and combat operations as well as skills to investigate illicit drug trafficking cases.

Cambodian trainees also learn about the illicit drug trafficking situation in the world, and along the Vietnam – Cambodia borderlines, Vietnam's counter-narcotics legal system, the real fight against illicit drug trafficking, synthetic drug production facilities and precursors in Vietnam, police’s field experience in fighting and arresting wanted drug dealers and those armed with military weapons, scene examination skills and experience of police forces of Vietnam and Cambodia.

According to the 2023 coordiantion plan, the two countries' functional forces further improve the quality of information exchange through the hotline network and the Cross-Border Liaison Office (BLO) stationed in the 10 provinces of Vietnam and Cambodia. 

In particular, the two sides joined efforts to destroy illicit drug trafficking lines between Cambodia and Vietnam on April 9, 2023, arresting 10 suspects and seizing 44 kg of synthetic drugs, 19kg of heroin in Vietnam as well as arresting 9 suspects and seizing 11 kg of drugs in Cambodia. 

By Duy Tien