Vietnamese Special Task Force to join counter-terrorism drill

Thứ Ba, 23/07/2024, 08:08

PSNews - The Mobile Police Command organized a ceremony to send its force to a joint anti-terrorism exercise between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Chinese People's Armed Police, on July 20th, in Hanoi.

Commander of the Mobile Police Command Major General Le Ngoc Chau chaired the ceremony.

Earlier, the Mobile Police Command had selected 60 police officers of the Special Task Force to participate in the joint drill in China.

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All the selected officers have outstanding professional expertise and combat skills.

According to the command, the exercise is a valuable opporturnity for the Vietnamese mobile police force’s leaders to enhance the quality and efficiency of the organization of specialized training and operational leadership, while helping improve participating officers’ professional, technical and tactical skills and coordination of joint forces in performing assigned tasks.

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Commander Le Ngoc Chau encourages participating police officers.

The joint exercise also helps promote mutual understanding and trust between the two sides, contributing to strengthening the traditional friendship between the two Parties, two countries in general, between the Public Security Forces of Vietnam and the Chinese People's Armed Police in particular.

Commander Le Ngoc Chau requested that the participating police officers should heighten their sense of responsibility to overcome difficulties, strictly observe field regulations and obey field commanders’ orders, so as to succesfully perform assigned tasks while ensuring absolute safety and security.

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Delegates join group photo.

The Commander also asked the police officers to participate in the joint exercise to show their professional expertise and combat skills of the Vietnamese Special Task Force, while proactively drawing lessons from the exercise and humbly learn from their Chinese peers.

By Kim Khanh