Few computers in Vietnam remain infected with WannaCry ransomware
- 52% of computers in Vietnam can be attacked by WannaCry
- Ministry issues warnings and protection measures against WannaCry ransomware attacks
By May 17th, Wannacry ransomware has infected more than 300,000 Windows computers in 99 countries, including Vietnam. Out of the number, 248,995 computers have been treated. The other 79,155 ones are still infected.
According to the data that updated by the VNCERT at the website Intel.malwaretech.com, by 6am May 18th, the number of infected computers reduced to 7,000, including a few in Vietnam.
Reportedly, the first infected case in Vietnam was a server from Thai Nguyen province, recorded at 4pm on May 12th. Immediately, the VNCERT issued warnings and sent information calling on users to apply protection measures against this dangerous malware.
Previously, on April 24th, the VNCERT had also issued a document guiding units and offices on Windows security holes requiring immediate measures to prevent attacks.