Gorgeous beauty of Nui Chua Biosphere Reserve

Thứ Hai, 28/08/2023, 23:22

The Nui Chua World Biosphere Reserve in the south-central province of Ninh Thuan, on an area of 106,646 hectares, is considered a standard for the most typical forest ecosystem in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. 

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The Nui Chua World Biosphere Reserve in the south-central province of Ninh Thuan, on an area of 106,646 hectares, is considered a standard for the most typical forest ecosystem in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. 
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It is in the core of the reserve, the Nui Chua National Park that covers 15,752 hectares and consists of three natural areas of forest, sea and semi-desert, that visitors will find around 1,500 plant species, including 10 endemics and 54 that are recorded in the Vietnam Red Book and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List.
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The fauna is also very rich with 756 species of wild animals, more than 350 types of coral and hundreds of marine animals.
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One of the special features of the national park is that this area has a dry and hot climate similar to many places in Africa (the highest temperature is approximately 42 degrees Celsius). Therefore, this place is also called "Phan Rang Dry Forest".
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The Nui Chua coastal area is a rare place on the mainland where protected sea turtles come to lay eggs every year. In recent years, provincial authorities have strengthened measures to conserve endangered and rare species of marine fauna and flora, and sustainably restore and develop the ecosystem of the Nui Chua National Park Marine Protected Area.
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The national park was recognised by UNESCO as a global biosphere reserve at the 33rd session of its International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) held in Nigeria in September 7, 2021.
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Along with preserving and researching biodiversity, the Nui Chua National Park management board and the province in general have been focusing on developing various types of ecotourism to attract tourists.