Students in Hanoi's Ba Vi district return to school

Thứ Ba, 09/11/2021, 21:03

Some 4,000 ninth grade students in the outlying Ba Vi district of Hanoi returned to school on November 8 after over six month of studying online amid the country’s COVID-19 fight.

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Ba Vi district is the only locality in the capital to permit students to return to school.
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Students are required to disinfect their hands and follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message regarding COVID-19 prevention and control measures upon entering the site.
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Students have their body temperature measured before entering classrooms.
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Ba Vi district records two positive COVID-19 cases from November 1 to November 7, with local competent agencies tracing contacts of the infections in order to separate them from the wider community.
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Ninth grade students in Tay Dang secondary school attending a weekly flag salute ceremony in their classroom. 
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All students and teachers must don face masks during school hours.
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First lesson of the day.
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Isolation rooms are set up at schools to monitor students if they have high body temperatures.
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Students are required to disinfect their hands and follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message regarding COVID-19 prevention and control measures upon entering the site.
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All students and teachers must don face masks during school hours.