Minister To Lam hosts Lao counterpart

Thứ Ba, 11/01/2022, 22:00

PSNews - Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General To Lam held talks with his Lao counterpart, General Vilay Lakhamphong, after a warm welcome ceremony for the guest on January 9 in Hanoi.

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The two ministers inspect the Guard of Honor of the Vietnamese Public Security Forces.

The event saw the presence of various high-ranking delegates from the Vietnamese and Lao Ministries of Public Security (MPS).

In his speech, Minister To Lam affirmed that although the two countries still face difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the special great friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in general, between the two ministries in particular, has been continuously developing and brought about good fruits.

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Minister To Lam presents flowers to Minister Vilay Lakhamphong.

Typically in 2021, the police forces of Lao coordinated with the Vietnamese MPS to arrest and hand over to the Vietnamese side several wanted fugitives as well as verified information about Vietnamese nationals in Laos with acts of threatening Vietnam’s national security at the request of the Vietnamese side.

The two ministries also coordinated to implement a project to build police stations for Lao villages bordering Vietnam, which is expected to be completed in February 2022.

Additionally, the Vietnamese MPS in 2021 received and trained 280 Lao officers and provided the Lao Public Security Forces with medical equipment and supplies in support of their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Overview of the event.

On behalf of the Vietnamese People's Public Security Forces, Minister To Lam also thanked the Lao MPS for the cooperation and support for the Vietnamese side over the past time and hailed the initial successes of the Lao police in drug prevention and control.

For hist part, Lao Minister of Public Security Vilay Lakhamphong thanked General To Lam for the cordial reception of the Lao high-ranking delegation. He affirmed that the close relationship between the two ministries has contributed to deepening and consolidating the special friendship and solidarity between the two countries and peoples.

The Lao Minister spoke highly of the cooperation between the two ministries in 2021, especially in the fight against drug and transnational crimes. He hoped that in the coming time, the cooperation and relationship between the Lao MPS and the Vietnamese side will develop to a new height, contributing to maintaining social stability, security, order and safety in each country as well as fostering the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam.

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Minister To Lam speaks at the talks.
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Minister Vilay Lakhamphong speaks at the event.

In order to fulfill the tasks of protecting national security and social order of each country as well as safeguarding diplomatic activities in the 2022 Vietnam - Lao Year of Friendship and Solidarity, Minister To Lam and Minister Vilay Lakhamphong discussed cooperation approaches and agreed to maintain in-person and online meetings of the two ministries’ leaders, coordinate to promptly handle arising security-related situations and prevent hostile forces and criminals from sabotaging national security and public order of each country; enhance exchange of information, especially the global and regional issues that may affect security and order of Vietnam and Laos.

They also pledged to effectively implement international treaties and agreements to which the two sides are members, support each other at multilateral forums while accelerating negotiations to sign agreements on extradition, mutual protection and exchange of confidential information between the two Governments.  

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Minister To Lam and Minister Vilay Lakhamphong in a joint photo with other delegates.

The two sides will coordinate in implementing the Agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons, which took effect from July 16, 2021, as well as in organizing events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam – Laos relations and the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between the two countries, the two ministers affirmed. 

The two sides also agreed to continue helping each other in prevention and control of COVID-19 new strains and quickly implement the project of building the Political Academy of the Lao People's Public Security Forces right after the two Governments approve it as well as share experience in executing the project to grant e-ID cards and project to build and manage the national database on population.

At the end of the talks, Minister To Lam and Minister Vilay Lakhamphong witnessed the signing of various cooperation documents between the two sides.

By L.B