Self-managed security teams show efficiency in safeguarding enterprises

Thứ Tư, 14/02/2024, 17:34

Many enterprises in the province of Thanh Hoa have established “self-managed security groups”, which have contributed to detecting and quickly resolving workers’ strikes as well as maintaining security and order at the business or production facility.

(TET  - Ngay 30/2 ) Self-managed security teams show efficiency in safeguarding enterprises -0

Nearly two third of the 340,000 workers and officials in Thanh Hoa work in the business sector, mainly in 8 industrial zones with over 500 enterprises.

Prior to 2017, various foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises in Thanh Hoa had had to deal with a number of social and security disturbances, directly affecting their production and business activities and socio-economic development of the province.

The complicated situations had prompted the provincial confederation of laborers to coordinate with the provincial police in strengthening dissemination of the laws to workers and officials, forming various “sel-fmanaged security  models”.

Over the past 5 years of implementing the coordination regulations between the Ministry of Public Security and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in the 2018-2023 period, trade union chapters at all levels in Thanh Hoa province have coordinated closely with the local police force to run over 520 self-managed security models. Many of them have shown their effectiveness and efficiency, contributing to ensuring security and order in industrial areas.

One of the outstanding models is seen in the Annora Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Nghi Son Economic Zone) or in Hoang Long Industrial Park (Thanh Hoa City).

With the guidance and support of the local police force and the Trade Union chapter of the company, Sakurai Vietnam Co., Ltd. has established 6 “self-managed security teams,” consisting of the company’s workers. Ngo Thanh Long, head of the company’s self-managed security team No.6, said, the main task of the team is to patrol, check and early detect problems that arise during the company’s working time, even during lunch breaks, to ensure security and safety for the 700-member production line. During their operation, the company’s self-managed security teams detected and successfully resolved 3 conflicts among workers.

Trade union chapters in Thanh Hoa also coordinated with the police to hold thousands of information drives, explaining laws to workers with more than one million participants, said Nguyen Xuan Tuan, Head of the Policy, Law and Labor Relations Department under the Thanh Hoa Provincial Labor Confederation chapter. These law education drives helped to update local workers on political, social situations, contributing to ensuring security and order in the area.

The security teams also provided the police with issues arising and crime reports. They also played an important role in supporting workers as well as authorities during the COVID-19 outbreaks.

By Duy Tien