2024 Asian Open Police Taekwondo Championships successfully closes
After 4 days of competition, the 2024 Asian Open Police Taekwondo Championships successfully ended on the afternoon of December 9th, 2024.

The 2024 Asian Open Police Taekwondo Championship was a sporting event for law enforcement forces as well as Taekwondo clubs from Asian countries and bon-Asian countries.
With the slogan “The Power of Police! Taekwondo Police—Global Citizen Protectors,” the tournament not only served as a regular sporting competition but also conveyed a strong message of the Asian police forces in protecting peace, stability and security in the region and the world.
With the great effort of all its athletes, the Vietnamese Public Security Sports Association excellently ranked 1st on the medal tally with 37 golds, 36 silvers and 33 bronzes.
The Indonesian delegation finished in 2nd place with 7 golds, 6 silvers, and 4 bronzes, while the Cambodians held 3rd place with 4 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze.
In addition, in the competition for civilian athletes, the top 3 rankings belonged to JeongJeom University, Shinhan University and Daekyung University of the Republic of Korea.
The successful organization of the 2024 Asian Open Police Taekwondo Championships has clearly demonstrated Vietnam’s capable of hosting major events, and the spirit of solidarity and responsibility of Vietnam in promoting international cooperation.
The tournament served as a cultural bridge to strengthen international solidarity and cooperation, as well as helped enhance the position of Vietnamese sports and promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam to the world, clearly demonstrating.