Minister To Lam work with Ha Giang Police

Thứ Sáu, 14/01/2022, 22:04

General To Lam, Minister of Public Security worked with the police forces in Ha Giang on January 12.

According to reports delivered by the Ha Giang Provincial Police Department’s leaders, in 2021, the local police overcame various difficulties and successfully fulfilled all assigned tasks.

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Minister To Lam speaks at the meeting with Ha Giang police's leaders.

As the result, the number of criminal cases decreased 12.9% in general while the clearance rate of the criminal cases was 97.8%, and 100% of the serious criminal cases were cleared. Traffic accidents were  reduced in terms of both numbers and casualties.

In addition, the provincial police have raised a "Comradeship Fund" to support officers in need while mobilizing social resources to build houses for people with meritorious services and poor veterans and disadvantaged families in the locality.

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Minister To Lam and other delegates at the event.

For their achievements in 2021, Ha Giang Provincial Police Department was presented honorable awards from the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Committee of Ha Giang province.

On behalf the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam congratulated the achievements and victories of police officers and soldiers of Ha Giang province over the past time

He agreed with its work plan in 2022 and asked the Ha Giang Provincial Police Department to continue mobilizing the whole political system and people to support the local police in the fight against crimes.

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Minister To Lam presents gifts to beneficiary families in Thanh Thuy commune.

The minister also emphasized that the communal police forces in border communes of Ha Giang were the first among communal police forces in the country to be equipped with official cars.

Considering cars very useful means for police in border areas, the minister requested using the vehicles effectively for their  task performance.

*On the same day, Minister To Lam had a working trip to Thanh Thuy commune, Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province, and visited the Monument 468 and the National Martyrs’ Cemetery to pay tribute to heroic martyrs fallen for the fatherland.