Public Security Boxing Team wins 6 medals at 2024 National Boxing Championship

Thứ Tư, 25/09/2024, 15:45

PSNews - The Public Security Boxing Team won 6 medals in total in the 2024 Vietnam National Boxing Championship, which was organized by the Vietnam Boxing Federation in coordination with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho City from September 10th to September 18th in Can Tho city.

Public Security Boxing Team wins 6 medals at 2024 National Boxing Championship -0
Athletes awarded medals at the competition.

This year tournament gathered 351 athletes from 38 provinces, cities and sectors nationwide. The athletes were divided into two age groups: 17-18 and 19-40. Besides the classification of age, the male boxers were also grouped into14 weight classes, and female boxers were into 13 weight classes.

The Public Security Boxing Team participated in the tourney with the sports spirit of "Unity, honesty, nobility", while showing their strong determination to achieve the best results.

After days of competition, athletes from the Public Security Boxing Team won 3 silvers, namely Luong Gia Thinh in 80kg weight class and Nguyen Manh Truong in over 92kg weight class of 17-18 age group and Tran Van Hoai in 60kg weight class of 19-40 age group.

Three other public security athletes won bronzes at the competition, including Luong Phuc Huy in 51kg weight class of 17-18 age group, Hoang Thai Nam in 75kg weight class and Luong Van Toan in 92kg weight class of 19-40 age group.

The tournament created a valuable opportunity for the Public Security Boxing Team’s athletes to practice, improve their techniques, tactics and strengthen their mentality so as to achieve high records in next tournaments.

The tourney also bolstered the relations between the Ministry of Public Security and sports federations and associations, which regularly cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security in promoting high performance sports.

By Kim Khanh